Academy Membership

Subscription Option: Maintenance Subscription - Monthly check on swing mechanics.

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Every 1 month

  • Credits Replenish: Every 1 month
  • This subscription includes (2) Adult In-Person Pre-Paid 30 Min Lesson lesson credits per month


**Title: Golf Swing Maintenance Subscription**

Ensure your golf swing stays at its peak with our Golf Swing Maintenance Subscription. This subscription service is designed for golfers who have completed formal lessons and want to maintain and fine-tune their swings consistently. With regular video analysis, personalized feedback, and access to exclusive resources, this subscription provides ongoing support to keep your golf game sharp.

**Subscription Features:**

1. **Monthly Video Analysis:**
- Submit a monthly video of your golf swing for in-depth analysis by our experienced instructors.
- Receive personalized feedback highlighting strengths and pinpointing areas for improvement.

2. **Customized Feedback Reports:**
- Detailed reports summarizing your swing analysis, including insights into posture, alignment, grip, and overall mechanics.
- Personalized tips and recommendations for ongoing improvement.

3. **Discounts on Refresher Lessons:**
- Enjoy special discounts on refresher lessons or additional coaching sessions, should you desire more hands-on guidance.

4. **Personalized Practice Plans:**
- Receive monthly practice plans tailored to your specific needs and areas of focus.
- Make the most of your practice sessions with structured routines designed for continuous improvement.

5. **Goal Setting and Progress Tracking:**
- Collaborate with instructors to set realistic and achievable goals for your golf swing.
- Track your progress over time, celebrating milestones and refining goals as needed.

- Choose between various subscription plans based on your desired level of engagement.
- Pause or cancel your subscription at any time, offering flexibility to align with your schedule and needs.

**Why Subscribe:**
Maintaining a consistent and effective golf swing is key to sustained improvement and enjoyment of the game. Our Golf Swing Maintenance Subscription provides the ongoing support you need to keep your skills sharp, ensuring that your golfing experience remains at its best throughout the year.

Subscribe today to keep your golf swing in top form and enjoy a continuous journey of improvement on the golf course.

What's Included


30min 2 Credits
Pre-Paid 30 Min Lesson Adult In-Person, Individual